Dental Care

Dental Complete Oral Assessment and Treatment (COHAT)

Periodontal disease, caused by the build-up of bacteria and plaque on your pet’s teeth and gums, often results in painful outcomes: bleeding and severe inflammation of the gums, gum, and bone loss, and tooth mobility. Periodontal disease can be very painful, and as the disease progresses, the bacteria can travel through the blood and damage the heart, liver, and kidneys.

At Indy Paws Veterinary Hospital, we will assess your pet’s oral health with an awake exam during their wellness examinations. However, as much as 70% of dental disease lives under the gums. This is why dental oral examinations require general anesthesia. Some owners worry about anesthetics in their pets. However, we take every precaution to ensure their safety.

Therefore, we recommend yearly dental complete oral assessment and treatment (COHAT) for your pet family. This part of your pet’s wellness care can prevent the spread of periodontal disease and keep your pet healthy.

Components of a Dental COHAT

  • Oral Exam: Every individual tooth (42 in dogs, 30 in cats) is probed and examined to evaluate for problem areas.

  • Ultrasonic Scaling: One of our veterinary technicians will scale each tooth to remove plaque and tartar.

  • Polishing: This allows a smoothing of the teeth to discourage plaque and tartar from adhering to the tooth surface.

  • Digital Dental X-Rays: Full mouth Intraoral Radiographs are included in dental procedures. This allows us to evaluate the tooth roots and bone to determine what treatments are necessary.

  • Extractions if indicated

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